Are your event venues locked for 2024 and beyond?

Impactful events start with the perfect venue! Secure the best event venues for your marketing events using ThinkStream's venue sourcing. A seamless process from RFP to contract. Find available event space in your target city in record time!

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Event Venue Sourcing
Event Venues
Thinkstream Reviews
“Thinkstream planned an incredible event for us and it all began with the perfect venue.  We received a comprehensive list of options leading us to the best fit for our audience!”
Hannah S

If this sounds like you...

You book meetings and events and need to find a venue to wow customers.
You're not sure what cities will perform the best and be attractive to your customer base.
You feel overwhelmed and puzzled by the process and don't know how to qualify and contact venues.
You can’t help but feel like you're running out of time to find a venue for your event.
Your executives are pressuring you to find the perfect venue that shows off your brand and is within your budget.
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Event Venue Sourcing

We find the best of the best!

Thinkstream has built an extensive network of vetted event venues in cities like San Francisco, San Diego, Las Vegas, Austin, New York City, Chicago and more! Using our robust database along with experience in finding unique event venues over the past decade, we'll create a curated list of locations, including photos and important details about each event space, based your unique criteria.

What's included:

Destination Highlights
Venue Overview & Comparison
Capacities & Floor Plans
Photo Gallery
Summary of Costs
We find the best Event Venues
Find Event Venues

Our process delivers qualified venue options in 72 hours or less.

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How it works:

Submit Your Event Criteria

Provide details like event type, # of guests, target location, and budget.

We Crunch the

We plug your details in to our database to find venues that best meet your needs.

Receive a Qualified List of Venues

Review a detailed list of event venue's and find your perfect match! 

Book Your Ideal Event Space

Seamlessly book your event space. We help you negotiate your contract to get the best deal.

Additional Support from Thinkstream

Take advantage of additional event management and production services from a team you can trust! 

You'll be able to...

Select with confidence

Easily identify the front runner and review the recommend a top choices. Compare photos, stats and floor plans to ensure the space is a perfect fit.

Launch in half the time

Complete our Event Assessment and in just 72 hours you’ll receive a PDF of available event venues for your multi-city event. Quickly move from search to signed contract.

Maximize your budget

Celebrate your success and enjoy budget savings. When you select our planning and production services, the cost of finding a venue is completely FREE!


Do I need to know what city to focus on?

No, we can recommend cities based on your goals and outline highlights about that destination that can help in your decision making process.

What kind of budget do I need to book a venue?

We'll provide you with a range of options and will help prioritize the venues based on your goals. If budget is a priority, we'll look for venues within your parameters.

What format is the information provided in?

We'll provide a login to our platform to view your proposal. We'll provide a comparison of venues along with individual details, photos, capacity, contacts, and basic pricing.

How do I book the venue after I pick my favourite?

Not to worry, we are pros at negotiating the best date, space, cost, concessions and more! Leave it to us to help review the first pass at the contract before we hand it over to you and your team for final review and signature.

How long does the process take?

Depending on how extensive the search is, we strive to provide details to you within 72 hours.

What if I'm not happy with the results?

If you're not happy with the options we provide, we'll provide a second round of options based on the feedback you provide. Our goal is to ensure you're 100% satisfied with our service.

We'll share our Top Event Venues list as our gift for allowing us to find your event venue!
You don’t want to miss out on this free gift, when you try our free sourcing service!
A bonus for venue sourcing with us!

Let's get started!

Time is limited, 2024 bookings are selling out fast.

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